.. Copyright (C) 2015,2018; ALbert Mietus, SoftwareBeterMaken.nl; Part of Pathways project ################# Pathways Workshop ################# :status: archived, old .. rubric:: Automatic Verification in ‘Geïntegreerd Agile’ .. Pathways a **concept** (and reference **implementation**) to *execute* tests to **approve** the (developing) *product* is working **correctly**. .. sidebar:: More * This workshop is part of the :doc:`User documentation of Pathways <../index>` * The “html-slides” (hieroglyph) are no longer supported * Essential for iterative/ & interactive (software) development * Part of ‘Geïntegreerd Agile’; my mix of Lean, Agile and Scrum - But surely not the only option, nor part .. rubric:: This workshop #. Learn the :term:`ATS` & :term:`Pathways` :doc:`concepts <1_conceptual>` :line-remark:`ATS: Automatic Test Script` #. Test some :doc:`calculators <2_demo>` :line-remark:`A small toy project` - Play with it - Write real tests! :line-remark:`80% testing, 20% Python` #. Adapt the framework :line-remark:`Learn to use it in real projects` - Write :term:`brick`\s for reusable tests :line-remark:`45% testing, 55% programming` - Write plug-ins to facilitate testers :line-remark:`10% testing, 90% programming` ################# Training overview ################# .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :glob: * Workshop info ============= .. sidebar:: Status In development Compulsory knowledge -------------------- * **Python** (basic). As all tests, as well as the bricks and the Pathways framework itself is written in Python-3 * Testing and/or programming skills and experience (basic) Pre-Installed tools -------------------- * Python-3 [3.4.1] * Firefox browser [36.0.4; 36.0.4] * selenium [2.46.0; 2.47.3] *python bindings to selenium/Firefox* :term:`Pathways` [Alpha-2015.09] is needed, but not yet downloadable yet. **Ask ALbert** Workshop Pilot/Help =================== Goals ----- * Get feedback/expertise for the real workshop - Which (general, background) slides are needed? - Complexity **test-exercises**; how much time do they need? How much are needed? - Same for **bricks**, **gates**, **plugins**, etc. - Tempo, “Prior Art”, Topics, ... * Support to get the Pathways framework up-and-running - Port/Install on **Windows** (developed on MacOS) - Human interface (1\ :sup:`st`: cmd-line; optional: GUI, IPython/Jupyter, ...) - ... I’m open for suggestions