Installing Pathways

Installing the pathways-framework itself is trivial. It is a small pure-python package, which can be installed in any working python-3 (3.4 or later) environment. Most users will also need to install the examples. That is a bit more complicated; as they depend on other tools. By example, for the webapp-examples, firefox and selenium are needed.

Installing pathways will install the package itself and a few (command-line) tools, like pw: a driver to start an (few) ATSes.

virtual environment

It is advised to use a python virtual environment. There are several options; for a Unix (MacOS, FreeBSD, Linux etc) virtualenv (with virtualenvwrapper) are good candidates. Whereas conda can be very helpful on windows. Read more on the options on:

virtual environment






pyenv is part of python, from 3.3


Python3 & pip3 ?

The commands below have the 3 suffix, to denote one have to use a python-3 (virtual) environment; and the pip-3 version too. Depending on your environment, you may need to drop the 3

  • When using pip as python3 -m pip, the pip as argument has no suffix!

  • Below, we use the --upgrade argument (always); this make sure an already installed package will be upgraded.

Installing the framework

The R&D distribution of pathways can be obtained from Bitbucket. You can clone the repro, or download the source, there to get a “source” distribution. It is also possible to use a dist-file, named like pathways_framework-0.Y.Z.devDATE.tar.gz. Currently, that one is only hand-out by Albert (during trainings, etc)) but will become downloadable from Bitbucket soon.

Once a real “production” version will become available; then will become available on pypi too.

In all cases, pathways can be installed with pip.


Installing the pathways-framework from the dist-file is easy:

[albert@Python3:]%  pip3 install --upgrade pathways_framework-0*.tar.gz

From source

Installing from source is a bit more complicated, as one has to select the correct branch first; currently that is dev_ATS.fixtures (but that will change!). And that install the “directory”. Assuming you are the top directory, where the file is located, use:

[albert@Python3:]%  hg checkout |branch| ## Select the 'correct' branch
[albert@Python3:]%  pip3 install --upgrade --editable .

A ‘source-install’ is typically installed editable, as is done above (with the --editable option). Now, the (local) pathways sources can be edited, with direct effect. This is an advantage for developers (of pathways).


make pathways downloadable

For now: Download the source from Bitbucket!